SEAMO should act as an incubator for new funding models.

The changing landscape of the current health care environment may well provide opportunities to explore new funding models. Over the next three years, SEAMO will identify and explore other relevant funding models, both domestic and international.

Building on its current expertise as an early adopter of a comprehensive AFP, SEAMO will position itself to act as an incubator for new models of physician compensation, such as outcome or performance-based physician funding (quality component) and team-based funding.

As a test site, SEAMO can provide innovative prototypes for new, integrated models, such as wellness care.

Activity Implementation Responsible Time Cost Target

Perform retrospective analysis

  • Develop report on SEAMO’s first 20 years, documenting its evolution, highlighting strengths and weaknesses
  • Identify opportunities for growth and change
CEO Year 1-3 $5K Report tabled

Identify and explore other relevant funding models

  • Conduct environmental scan, both domestic and international
  • Engage stakeholders such as the MOHLTC, Health Force Ontario and OMA
CEO Year 1-3 Non-financial Options paper tabled