eConsults can now be submitted to the brand new South East regional Obstetric Medicine group. Primary Care Providers (PCPs) can view this group as an option under Obstetrics and Internal Medicine in the BASE Managed Specialty groups.

In order to submit an eConsult to this new group, PCPs need to first select one of these specialties (shown in the photo) and then in the option menu select Obstetric Medicine. It is important to note that ‘South East’ must be set as a priority region to see the new Obstetric Medicine group as an option in the OTNhub. To ensure your priority region is set to South East, go to your settings in the OTNhub and scroll down to ‘Priority Regions’.

OB Med Homepage

The South East regional Obstetric Medicine group was created as an initiative from the Division of General Internal Medicine. SEAMO physicians, drs. Lisa Nguyen and Zijing Wu, are internists with special expertise in diagnosis and management of medical disorders in pregnancy.

Currently drs. Nguyen and Wu address and provide care for women with medical comorbidities during pregnancy, postpartum and preconception periods. These medical conditions may be chronic in nature, while some conditions only occur during pregnancy and others are developed/occur during pregnancy or in the postpartum period.

"We are excited to extend these services through the eConsult Obstetric Medicine group. This new platform allows for easier accessibility to specialist care for healthcare providers in smaller communities/regions in Ontario. We look forward to working with our colleagues and collaborating with them,” says Dr. Nguyen.

Primary Care Providers can consider submitting questions from patients considering pregnancy and have pre-existing comorbidities or for those who are currently pregnant with underlying medical conditions.

The impetus to create this new group was in part to increase access to specialist care in Obstetric Medicine for underserved areas in Ontario.
