EMR integration available for Accuro and OSCAR

Ontario eConsult Program delivery partner, OntarioMD, has been working diligently with electronic medical record (EMR) vendors to make eConsult available through certified EMRs. Currently, EMR-integrated eConsult is available on two systems: QHR Technologies’ Accuro® and KAI Innovations’ OSCAR. 

EMR integration of eConsult is available on Accuro® and OSCAR at no additional cost to providers. It complements the service on the OTNhub by offering clinicians an additional, convenient access point. Patient demographic information from EMRs is auto-populated into each query and documentation is easily attached from the patient record, making charting fast and simple.

Clinicians already using EMR-integrated eConsult report improvement in clinical workflow and motivation to use eConsult more frequently.

Using EMR integrated eConsult, requests can be sent directly to a specific specialist (i.e. Dr. John Doe), or to a Provincial BASE™ Managed Specialty group (i.e. Cardiology — General — Provincial). Requests for Regional BASE™ Managed Specialty groups (i.e. Cardiology — General — South East LHIN) must still be sent via the OTNhub. 

Specifications for integrating the Ontario eConsult Service into OntarioMD-certified EMRs were released in March 2019. OntarioMD continues to work with EMR vendors to expand availability of EMR-integrated eConsult to clinicians across Ontario. The organization is currently working with Avaros, YMS and YES to integrate the service. 

Access to eConsult through your EMR is dependent on your EMR vendor’s timeline for incorporating eConsult into their product. In the interim, we encourage you to continue to leverage the services available through the OTNhub. 

To find out more about using an eConsult integrated EMR, contact support@ontariomd.com
