On November 18, the provincial government announced that the Frontenac, Lennox and Addingtonperson pushing someone in a wheelchair talking to a doctor Ontario Health Team (FLA OHT) is one of thirteen new teams approved to bring together health service providers to better coordinate health care and services for the approximately 226,100 individuals, families and caregivers in the Southeastern region. SEAMO is one of close to 60 partners signed to the FLA OHT.

The Ontario Health Team model is part of Bill 74, The People’s Health Care Act, which includes the creation of Ontario Health, the agency that will consolidate the 14 Local Health Integration Networks and other province-wide agencies, such as Cancer Care Ontario, Health Quality Ontario and eHealth Ontario.


“This is an exciting opportunity to strengthen existing relationships between family doctors; home, community, mental health, and long-term care services; hospitals; social services and others to break down the silos that make it difficult for patients to receive the right care and supports when and where they need them,” says Dr. David Pichora, who, along with Dr. Kim Morrison, co-led the application advisory committee.

The focus of the FLA OHT in its first year will be (a) working on how to connect residents to a home of primary care and allied health providers working as one team to coordinate care and help people navigate health and social systems, a Health Home; (b) a Health Neighbourhood, a network of additional health and social supports and services, will be organized around individuals, families and caregivers in their Health Homes to ensure timely access to care; and (c) focusing on improving people’s health at home by integrating and coordinating home care, community service supports, and mental health and addiction services. Year One projects include: (1) aging well at home; (2) palliative care collaborative; (3) mental health support integration; (4) coordinated discharge.

SEAMO CEO Dr. Jane Philpott says, "SEAMO is pleased to be one of close to 60 partners to form the new FLA OHT. SEAMO will have a key role to improve the delivery of outstanding healthcare in the southeast region. Our goal as part of the FLA OHT is to support building integrated health systems that help people in the region to achieve optimal health and wellbeing."

For more information, visit the FLA OHT website