two physicians shaking hands across a table

Working in close-knit teams has the potential to greatly increase the resilience of individual team members, butwords 'physician wellness' only if a few key requirements are met. Team members need to feel their work has purpose. They need to feel a degree of autonomy when working in their field of expertise. They need to feel valued as a member of the team. They need to feel that those leading the team sincerely care about them and are watching out for them.


A team that has these things can get through almost anything.


One of the ways that you can remind individuals of the importance and value of their work, and their importance as individuals, is through shared pictures or videos. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate a win and is a great way to communicate with a large group.


This is a video that we made to celebrate the great work of the members of the KHSC Critical Care Program after the third wave of the pandemic, I hope it brings a smile to your face.

Dan Howes

Critical Care Medicine physician